Personal information

MOVPE, GaN, HEMT, quantum wells, quantum dot, GaAs, GaSb, InAs
Czech Republic


Professional experience
1992-93 – Development of technology for porous silicon preparation
Since 1994 - a member of the team in MOVPE (Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy) laboratory, which is specialized on the preparation of quantum wells and quantum dots nanostructures in semiconductor material system AIIIBV. In last few years my work concentrates mainly on design and preparation of structures containing highly strained In(Ga)As/GaAs, GaSb/GaAs or In(Ga)Sb/GaSb: self assembled quantum dots and quantum wells with the thickness of few atomic layers and their characterization, on ternary and quaternary Sb based MOVPE prepared layers for midinfrared devices. I have starting experience with design of nitride heterostructures for scintilators. Another field of interest and experience is design and evaluation of properties of nanoparticles, quantum dots and core/shell structures (TiO2, ZnS, CdS, ZnS/CdS) for cathalytic applications.
2014 - 2019: manager of project LABONIT for building a new MOVPE laboratory for preparation of nitride semiconductor nanoheterostructures.
Since 2016 head of the MOVPE laboratory,
Since 2022 head of Semiconductor department in the Institute of Physics, CAS, Prague.

1990: 3 months, practical training in technological laboratories at the University of Wisconsin, wet oxidation of silicon, photolithography and elipsometric measurements.
1996 : 2 months, MOVPE technological laboratory, Clarendon Laboratories at Oxford University, MOVPE group of Dr. Nigel Mason, preparation and characterization of GaSb, InAs and InGaSb epitaxial layers, testing of alternative TMASb precursor.